Design and Painting – Inspired by the Beauty of Nature
The Golden Twenties
I painted the elements for this collection with ink, digitized, and assembled them. Some patterns are strictly symmetrical, while others are more loosely arranged. Color-wise, I limited myself to black, cream, and mustard yellow.
Black flowers on cream-colored background pattern.
I can envision this collection for fashion, wallpapers, and home decor.
Dress with hibiscus pattern.
The Roaring Twenties inspire me. My family is from Berlin, and my grandparents were young during the twenties. While watching ‚Babylon Berlin,‘ I always wondered how they might have lived. It was not a quiet time – quite the opposite!
Cream-colored hibiscus flowers on black background.Black tulips on mustard yellow background.Cream-colored polka dots on black background.Black polka dots on cream-colored background.Black buds on mustard yellow background.Indiaca – simple mustard yellow pattern on black background.Indiaca – simple cream-colored pattern on black background.Indiaca – simple mustard yellow pattern on cream-colored background.Black flowers on mustard yellow background.Dress with black flowers on mustard yellow background.
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